Mother in law

So how do you handle a mother in law that picks at every little thing you do? So earlier she texts my mom asking if it was ok to see her. This was around 6:00pm and I just laid her down in her crib and I’m also now trying to crib train her. She said she’s got to make dinner first before she comes by. My mom texted her saying she’s sleeping right now in her crib. My mom sends her a picture of her sleeping in her crib. The only thing she has in there is something that hangs on her crib and makes music and lights up. My mom gets a message from her saying “she needs some stuff around her so she doesn’t feel isolated? Maybe will stay sleeping” I thought your not suppose to put anything in there crib until the first year right? I don’t get offended easily at all but that comment made me feel like I’m not parenting right or I don’t know how to parent. How would you feel if someone said that? She’s also made comments before saying “why is her toes always curled up?” Why is her hand red after she takes her hand out of her mouth?”