How do you feed a baby more that doesn’t want it


My baby has been in hospital once already for failing to thrive, ended up on a feeding tube and diagnosed with reflux and colic and is on gaviscon and anti reflux meds. She’s been home 4 weeks now and whilst she’s put on some weight she’s right at the bottom of her centile. Feeding is causing me such anxiety that I didn’t go back to bf, so I’m expressing and giving formula.

Docs have now asked me to get another feed into her in the day time but she just doesn’t seem interested in eating most of the time, quite often doesn’t finish a bottle and she’s 8 weeks and the most she’s ever had in one feed is 120ml. Generally it’s 70-100...

Any advice/tips..? I feel like I’m force feeding her and the anxiety about feeding can sometimes take over and make me feel like a rubbish mumma who can’t get her baby to feed 😢