Therapy For Black Girls


If anyone is interested I just wanted to share as a resource.

I came across this Facebook page and also this website called about 2 years ago. There are blog posts and advice columns on navigating mental health and just plain day to day stuff as women of color. And also many topics that leave you with thoughts for the day.

Through this website I was also able to find a therapist of color closest to me and view basically her portfolio as a therapist of what kind of therapy she has expertise in. I just wanted to share it because I know there is kind of a stigma about mental health in the black community. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I also wanted to share this website with you guys because of the climate we’re unfortunately currently in. As well as it being very close to the holiday season, I know that negative feelings can arise wether it’s seasonal depression or family issues.

I myself noticed that I really wanted to speak with a therapist more about my mental health issues when I got pregnant. Because I did not want to pass down baggage to my son, and really just wanted to be the best and most mentally fit me that I can be for him and my husband.

So yeah check it out and let me know what you think ❤️💕

All love fellow mamas! 😘
