Very Emotional Experience


On Friday November 15th I went to my Gyno. Appointment for a pap/ well woman’s visit. After they finished checking me the MA came in and pulled to doctor out in the hall. Doctor comes in the room and says we tested your urine and you are pregnant!!! I say can I go get my husband? He comes in doctor says sono tech is here today I’m gonna have you go see her. We go back and they tell me I have a abnormal sac and I am about 5 weeks along most likely not a viable pregnancy 😢

But she sent me to do blood work.

Monday morning she calls and says my Number’s were 27,777 and says can you come back so we can repeat the test ? So Tuesday morning she calls and says my number was 59,752 and she was not sure what was going on. She would not see me again until December 2nd. So my husband and I decided to go pay for a private sonogram today!

Not only did she find fetal pole baby’s heart rate was 122 she said it should go higher as baby gets bigger. I cried all weekend thinking I was gonna bleed any min. Today we have a heartbeat baby is 6 weeks 6 days I will be 7 weeks tomorrow Due July 9th. I decided to post so maybe someone can have hope. What a difference 1 week makes. We have 4 kids oldest is 17 my baby is 5 years old. We thought we were done but we were blessed with 1 more❤️.