Brittany • Mother to two beautiful children, engaged to the love of my life! Baby girl Layla Faith 6/8/18 & baby boy Kameron Chandy 7/1/19 ❤️💜

Every day that passes on I miss my dad more and more I cannot get over the fact that he is not with me no longer...I wish we could’ve had some more time to get past our differences and work on our relationship.. 😢😢💔💔 he means the world to me and if I could take time back I would change so much!! Every day when I actually think that he’s not here I break down and cry, I don’t want my kids to see me upset but I cannot help it I miss him so much and I wish I could get him back. I just want to be in his arms and for him to love me as a daughter be here for me when I need him and now I don’t have that anymore I could never get a father daughter relationship that was taken from me is way too soon I sit here and I listen to his YouTube videos of him singing and I can see him and that breaks me