I had my tonsils removed and I would rather still have them and have tonsillitis for the rest of my natural born life 🥺

I got my tonsils removed on Tuesday and I absolutely shat myself (not literally). My boyfriend stayed over Monday night because I had to be at the hospital on Tuesday for 7am and he wouldn’t take the word “No” for an answer, bless him so of course, he came with us. I didn’t want him coming because I didn’t want him seeing what mess I’m in after anaesthetic but of course, he thought that is was cute how calm and kinda high I was.

I was completely fine when it came to being wheeled about because I pretty much got a tour of the hospital but I was obviously panicking too much to actually take anything in. I got to the anaesthetic room and the water works started. I didn’t even realise I was crying. I think I was just overwhelmed since I had tonsillitis 22 times since last November and it was a case that I could now get my life back on track, FINALLY! The only thing I remember about being in that room was feeling a prick in my hand, having to breathe in gases to sedate me a little and my body starting to feel a little cold, heavy and kinda numb.

The next thing I know, I woke up to my mum smiling at me and it scared the shit outta me 😂

When I got back to the day ward, 6 hours and millions of naps later, I was discharged.

A few days down the road and I feel worse than I did when I woke up from the operation. My ears keep ringing and I want everyone to fuck off and I don’t know why. I think it may be because I’m the only one going through the pain of this and everyone keeps saying “I had mine removed, you’ll be fine”. I know I’ll be fine but I don’t need everyones input because everyone feels different things during the healing process and I’m going to take longer than two weeks to completely heal because one of my tonsils attached itself to the back of my throat (because of how many times I have had tonsillitis) which then caused an extra 2 hours of bleeding and 30 small stitches to help stop it but of course, school are only allowing me two weeks to heal 😡