Flank pain


So I’ve been dealing with, what I think is kidney pain for a couple weeks is. I have no other symptoms, other than being constipated, but I think that’s unrelated. It’s a full ache that’s on the right side, doesn’t hurt when you knock on it, doesn’t hurt when I turn or do any physical activities, it’s just there, hasn’t gotten worse, or better. I pee normally, no blood, no bubbles or anything.

I thought it could be from not drinking enough water, and drinking water made it feel a little better. Sometimes it switches from right to left, and i have no idea what’s going on.

I went to the ER last year because I thought I had a kidney infection, (temp, rash, kidneys hurt) and they took and ultrasound and everything of my kidneys and they said everything was fine.

Has this happened to anyone else?