Bed time so much easier now

My 3 year old would fight sleep every night it always ended with me or my husband falling asleep in bed with her. But then she would wake in the middle of the night. I switched up her bed time routine. I use to give her a bath after dinner but baths don’t relax her bc she hates having her hair washed. So now i do bath time before dinner or in the morning. After dinner she plays in her room. At 6:15 an alarm on the iPad goes off that tells her its time to clean up. I go ina an help her clean up. She then changes into jammies if she hasn’t already done so. She gets to choose a half hour in the living with mom and dad watching a show or laying in her bed watching the iPad with her milk.

By 7/7:15 she’s in her bed with a story and a song. I tell her I have to go put baby brother to sleep and will be in when he’s asleep to read her another story if she’s not crying. 4/5 outs she’s been asleep.