Anyone else's baby trying to wean themselves already?

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

My son is my second baby. I also breastfed my first. With both of them, I had a goal of two years. I had to wean my first at 16 months because I was 4 months pregnant and my supply stopped all together. I didn't want to stop and he didn't either, but I couldn't prevent it. He was still nursing 6-10 times a day/night then.

But my second is already trying to wean himself at 14 months. He just started sleeping through the night. Hallelujah because my (almost) 3 year old still doesn't sleep through the night. And during the day, he wants actual food instead of nursing. He only nurses right before bed. And because of that, I'm hardly producing anymore. I feel like it's so early for him to self-wean, though.

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