I feel like my husband isn't into me


We lost a baby in July delivered at 15 weeks. During that pregnancy I had hg and could not even think about being intimate. After the loss, I fell into a severe depression and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. It was really hard. Fast forward to now, we are 9+3 weeks pregnant and my sex drive is crazy. He doesnt even seem remotely interested. He doesnt want to go out on dates with me. Spends all his time at work, on his phone or watching tv. I feel so unwanted and I dont know what to do. He missed a live video on Instagram last night and said it's because he was out to dinner with me and doesnt want yo go out with me anymore. I'm trying not to stress with this pregnancy but I cant help but feel overwhelmed. I can feel myself falling back into depression and Im starting to feel like nothing. Any advice for me?