Some questions and advice needed....


So I’m sharing what has happened the last week and kinda confused about when I should go to labor and delivery or if I should stay home and how to handle this situation.....

Im 28 weeks and I’ve been having these really bad cramps and I half to run to the toilet And go diarrhea because that’s what sorta relieves them and my breast have been dumping out (with permission from my midwife) I’ve hand expressed 3 ounces today alone... today I went to my appointment and tested positive for FFN again!! So then my midwife decided to check my cervix and I was already 50 percent effaced and a finger tip dialated I’m a first time mom (and a young mom) so this was all crazy to me because the midwifes were all checking me at once but ya. I’m now just taking everything day by day trying to deal with these super bad cramps and figure out everything