My birth story


So I shared last week at 38 weeks I was being induced because the baby was not moving as much and low amniotic fluid. When you get induced they have to prepare your cervix before they start Pitocin. I started meds for that Wednesday at 530pm. I only dilated to 1cm with those meds. They didn’t start Pitocin until Friday at 9am. I was 3cm. Looked like I was in for a long night. I was stuck at 3 until 530pm when I moved to 4cm. By 650pm I was having painful contractions even with the epidural. They checked me and I was 10cm. Ready to push. My baby boy was born at 714pm weighing 5lbs 2oz 18 inch. But that’s not the end of it. My placenta wouldn’t detached. Doctor had to manually go in and get it. I was bleeding too much and my blood pressure dropped to 49/32. I had to be rushed to surgery and doctor said I could lose my uterus. Needed permission to do that. Ended up needing a D&C and blood and plasma transfusions. Hubby was a mess as was our family that was there. My placenta was small so they sent it for testing. It failed which is why my son was small for 38w2days. I am thankful for my two beautiful children and am done having any more. It would be too dangerous to try again. I went from worrying about his weight to worrying if I was going to leave my husband a widow with two small children at 37. My son is healthy except for some jaundice which is requiring us to go daily for blood work until it gets in normal range. After 5 days in the hospital I am glad to be home.