Cat dying and question about behavior of other cat


Our 11 year old Russian Blue cat, Scooter, is dying from cancer. It’s really sad. It started with him losing function in his front left leg, it went completely lame. Then his left eye stopped dilating, followed by his back left leg. His whole left side of his body has shut down, he barely eats and hides under the couch all day all night. Will hold his bladder and bowls until you put him in the litter bin and he sometimes goes. We had xrays and found he’s got a lot of fluid in his chest around a mass. We put him on a diuretic recently and his appetite has increased and he’s been coming out a little more. But not much. We have another cat whose 6, LeeLoo. She seems confused with him. They’ve never been close and have never laid together and rarely played together.

Well today I went to check on Scooter under the couch and LeeLoo is curled up next to him.

Does she know? And trying to spend time with him? I’ve had a cat die on me before and neither Scooter or LeeLoo cared.

Anyone know? Or have ideas?

Side note: scooter still purrs and enjoys our company which is why we haven’t put him down yet. Our vet told us to look for signs of distress and that’s when we should do it. ☹️ this sucks.