Pcos, weight, or race ?

I’m a hairy girl I hate it but a lot of women deal with it I have slight hair on my stomach on my back and my upper lip as well as on my legs and arms, who dosent... it’s more of a peach fuzz but I have DARK hair I’ve always been told it’s my race combined with my hair color since a young age but now some are saying it might be pcos I know you all aren’t doctors but I’m a little nervous, I for the most part have regular periods and I don’t get cramps at all my bleeding is normal I don’t have abnormal amounts of acne (I’m only 16 and that’s why I say for the most part my periods are normal I’m not a period veteran yet) and my age explains the little acne I do get I just want to here someone else’s Input or ways to handle the hair before I go to a doctor and spend money my family dosent have