My baby has rsv help ! 😭


Monday i took my son (5) and daughter (only4months) to the doctor . For a simple cough and congestion ! Results came back my son just has a cold and my baby girl has rsv ! I’m freaking out my poor baby 😭 looks like we caught it early Bc she only had a cough . I NEED TIPS, REMEDIES , ANYTHING I CAN DO TO HELP HER ‼️ Basically he said she got it from us having a cold at home , Bc she doesn’t see any other kids or go anywhere . What eats me up the most is I just started a job so I won’t be able to be home with her 24/7 like I usually am , her dad will be . I know 100% he will take great care of her like always ... I just want to be their with my baby 😭😭 not to mention she was born at 34 weeks . (But only stayed in the nicu 7 days ) .

——- they sent us home with steroids and cough meds and said it has to run its course. If she runs a fever or starts sounding like she’s not breathing as good bring her back in .