As long as it isn’t flirting?

Me and my SO have been together 8 years, and a year ago we decided to split up. We both ended up dating other people (6months), we decided to meet up and talk and came to an agreement that this wasn’t how we wanted things and broke it off with our rebound relationships.

After getting back together, we decided to move across the state since “she” lived across the street and it was totally uncomfortable.

During that time I asked him if he blocked her and he said “I don’t have to because she doesn’t reach out to me” I was upset and ask that he blocked her.

I blocked the person I was with no questions asked, out of respect and thought it was the right thing to do.

We’ve now been in this new place going on a year, and this morning is when it all started.

We were having our normal am shower together and he said “I’m trying here, I want us to have a better life than we’ve both had”

I responded “yes, I see you and thank you for everything you do for us”

He truly supports me in every way possible including financially, physically, emotionally and mentally. We have a beautiful home and I want for nothing!

The topic came up about how he loves me and only me and any other person will know that, and if anyone would write him either by phone email or social media that he’ll talk and chat with them because I should trust him since he’s never hurt me.

So immediately I get a red flag, and say well “what if she writes you?” And he said “I’ll respond to her because she might need closure and as long as I’m not flirting then I can because I’m grown and can control myself”

I thought you fucking blocked her

“Uh I don’t know, I think I did”

What In the total fuck!???

At this point he’s already stepped out and is drying off and I’m still washing the same parts over and over not realizing because I’m pissed.

I said “has she written you, and is this why you are saying this?” And he does the famous high pitched “no”

Another red flag!

I get out and dry off and he’s saying that “I need to stop being insecure and realize that he only loves me and to get out of my own head”

He mentioned again that he’s grown (41) and can talk to whoever he wants as long as it isn’t cheating, including his ex”

Me (30) doesn’t entertain ANYONE at all out of respect for my relationship.

Anyone else a random person I wouldn’t really care but his ex!?

I keep hearing “as long as it isn’t cheating” and frankly it makes my blood boil.

Why should he give a shit about someone he barley even knew and if she has closure, I thought that happened we we BOTH broke things off last year!?

I’m trying to remain calm because I’m a teacher and my students will be here soon and I also don’t want to talk to him about this because he said what it will be if/when it happens and I need to look “inward” and stop seeing the little picture of it.

Basically it’s “deal with it”

Am I overreacting at all?

Any advice?


Who fights and argues at 6 in the morning?