Getting sick of this bullshit...


I have posted once on this topic before- and here I am. Yet again. In the same position.

My husband and I have been married for 4 years (anniversary is actually tomorrow) and since the beginning, there’s this... ‘thing’ he does, when he gets upset with me.

Suppose I say or do something he doesn’t like/agree with. He will resort to the silent treatment. On every level imaginable. He will not answer a call, a text, and when he comes home at night, he’s straight to bed, and I’m the morning he’ll just eat breakfast and leave.

Not. A. Single. Word.

Usually this lasts for 3 days.

I will ask him repeatedly what is wrong, because I am no psychic and I cannot just magically know what’s upset him.

He will say, and I quote, “You think about that. Think about what you’ve done wrong, that could’ve upset me. And when you’ve thought of that LIST, you tell me what you could’ve done instead of that. And then we’ll talk.”

I have tried to tell him that I can’t think of anything I did that could’ve upset him, which just made him frustrated, “You haven’t made ANY mistakes then? What, you’re perfect?”

He started this shit up again 2 days ago.

We were absolutely fine, I was FaceTiming him with my son. Connection gets lost, and the phone gets cut short. We ended the call on a good note. I think ??

But low and behold. He’s pissed. At something. I sure as hell don’t know what.

I have tried calmly explaining to him that this is immature and we need to talk out whatever it is that’s upsetting him. ‘No.’ I have tried giving him a possible reason he may be upset. ‘Well, that’s not it. But it’s a start.’

I have had it up to my wits end.

We have a 15 month old and I’m 30 weeks pregnant with number 2. Patience is already low, and frankly I just want my husband back- because this goddamn child isn’t it.

I have been planning on going to my moms place for Thanksgiving break- starting tomorrow through the weekend, but I don’t even know if he’ll even let me, seeing the mood he’s in.