Kidney infection 🙄


So I went to the ER yesterday after having low blood pressure and this pain in my back for a couple weeks. It started sharp and completely went away, and then stayed as a dull ache for a few weeks, however got worse in the past couple days, by worse I mean, it would like ping pain and make me wince, and I had to sleep with a heating pad and take 3 Advil.

So I asked my pharmacist (I work at cvs) if I should go and she said yes.

At the same time, I’ve been rocked a nasty cold. No appetite, haven’t pooped, so bloated, threw up the littlest things, and still living with the cough and sinus problems.

Anyway I went to the ER and told them my symptoms of the flank pain, and they gave me a CT, full blood work and UA, turns out my white count is up and there’s white blood cells in my urine which indicates a kidney infection??

I don’t even know how I got this, I didn’t even have a UTI to tell me to get antibiotics, it does hurt to pee, doesn’t feel like my bladder isn’t fully empty, I don’t have to push it all out or anything, but hopefully that is what it is, and it clears up from these antibiotics.