BH vs Real: Thoughts

It seems like anytime we decide we’re not in active labor, the consensus is to call it BH. But this pregnancy has been so different for me bc twins (I have 2 other kids). I had preterm labor 2 weeks ago w 3 min contractions (33 weeks). That whole experience increased my awareness of what contractions feel like for me: period cramping, heart racing, a stop and start sensation, hurting below my belly, like a lot. I’ve had contractions since them but haven’t gotten to that type of a pattern such that I’m ready to go in. Now for me, BH really simply just felt like belly tightening without pain (mostly while I exercised).

I’m just thinking that it’s important to validate the real contraction sensation—it looks like it’s called prodromal labor if it hasn’t hit the regularity that would cue u to think active labor. For those of us at risk for preterm labor, catching it before it runs out of control is crucial. Just thinking. It’s not all BH till D-day.