Advice on divorce


Hi ladies, so I just found out that my husband is cheating on me again. He has been incredibly abusive in the past, both emotionally and physically. I'm just done being made out to the the idiot waiting for him to be the man I married again, and not this monster he's become. We have a 3 month old daughter.

I know I need to leave him, but here's the problem. I want him to absorb half of the credit card debt that he racked up in my name and the entire car debt that is in my name for a car he wrecked. I also want him to have limited and supervised visits with our baby, at least until she can speak and let me know if he mistreats her. He has barely held down a job in the 8 years we've been together, and if facing prison time soon for the car accident where he totaled his car (which was in my name).

I live in Texas, we were living in California at the time of the accident. Are there any lawyers out there that can let me know if these are reasonable demands? Do I need just a divorce lawyer, or family law because we have a baby?

General support and advice is also welcome.