Mother in law 😩

Update at bottom

She done fucked up and she's about to reap what she sowes. So long story short me and my husband seperated for a year. We had so many issues he had no respect for my feelings and I begged for years to go to marriage counceling. I had a breakdown from my bpd and left him. I didnt want to work it out, in my mind I had cried and begged for years and was just pushed beyond my limits.

So we slowly started communicating again and rebuilt our relationship on trust and understanding. We have been doing so great we've been back together for over a year and I'm 6 months pregnant with our number 2. We realized we both needed to make changes.

So heres the issue. My mother in law in general is very emotional she'll ignore you when she feels like it and throw shady comments. She goes thru this episode where she will be mad at me ignore me make me feel uncomfortable in my own home...confront me on how my leaving my husband made her feel how hard it was on her ect 😩 so weve had about 3 of these heart to hearts everything gets settled and we're fine for a few weeks. Then she starts acting mad all over again and brings it up again. Mind you only when we are alone she wont do it when my husband is around.

So yesterday she took the day off (she has anxiety issues and is always calling out of work) she came to watch my son while i went to the lab for bloodwork. I get home start making breakfast..and she starts in..

Her: so how are you and *husband*

Me: we're good....(in my head im like oh fuck here we go)

Her: do u like being a stay at home mom?

Me: yes i do

Her: really?

Me: yes

Her: cause ya know I look around and see the same things as before you were a stay at home mom before and you weren't happy and you're one now and I'm just thinking whats gonna keep you happy....I'm waiting for you to get bored and run off again...yah know it was just so hard on me and *husband* didnt talk to me about the seperation much so i need to talk to you about it so I'm not resentful and mad.

😮😮😮 I'm literally holding back tears at this point cause we've had so many talks and now i feel shes just being so beyond disrespectful for no reason.

I kinda just responded with "i was never bored i was hurt we had 6 years of issues"

I told her i could tell shes been ignoring me and mad at me and her response was well you should ask me if im okay and whats wrong. Yall ive done nothing to this lady and cant keep up with her mood swings. 😩

I kept it together and just waited for her to leave.

I told my husband and asked if i wanted him to talk to her about it. I said no just leave it but I'm tempted to have him say something cause if she does this again I'm afraid im gonna explode on her.

I let so much go all her rude comments, her moving my stuff around in my house like its hers. I told my husband i need a break from her coming over everyweek and he agreed. She told me the other day " we're doing the christmas tree friday" meaning my house my family my tree, didnt even ask just told us...little does she know she aint coming over for weeks.

And when new baby is here she's not coming over every week this lady needs to learn some respect and boundaries.

Anyone else with crazy controlling mother in laws?

I dont even want to invite her to my sprinkle this time. She also thinks she should have the right to name this baby cause i named my son and she didnt like his name. Shes super vocal about it 😩😩

Lord help me

Thank you for the great advise yall are right i need to just grow some balls. We are moving in the next month or so a little farther from her and wont be renting a room to her other son like we do currently so hopefully that will help with her feeling too comfortable in my home. I wont be allowing her to put her input into the decorating of the new home or allow her to move my stuff around.

She was also sending me gown pictures the month before my wedding asking which one she should wear..full out ball gowns mermaid dresses with her DDD boobies out. Lmao i think she's just finally tipped me over the edge being that I'm HELLA pregnant.