Are you comfortable with your man having female friends?


A lot of people think its okay for a girl to "not allow" her bf to have female friends. And then a lot of other people think its toxic. I'd like to spark a debate on this topic because I think it says a lot about you and how you think depending on which side you are on. I'm on the fence kind of. Women who dont allow their bfs to have females around do it for vanity reasons like they're insecure because they think the girl is prettier than them. Or trust issues with past relationships. I think it can be toxic in certain relationships and in general it's a good idea to avoid telling your bf what he can and cant do. It's normal to feel jealous of other women who have the attention of your bf but you gotta remember that it's his attention to give! But on the other hand this subject does go a lot deeper than just vanity. If you're dating a straight man and he has female friends you have to look at biology. The more time you spend with someone you like the stronger your feelings for them become. And whether your bf can control his feelings of friendship to keep it at that level or if hes one of those "the grass is greener over here" type of people, really determines how well you can trust him around other women and how good of a monogamous mate he would be. Tell me what you guys think!!