Would I be able to be induced?

A bit of background - I’m 29 weeks pregnant and have had to take early leave from work as I’ve had an awful pregnancy. I lost a baby at the beginning of this year and mentally suffered after operation. I was so blessed to fall pregnant again but have had a rough pregnancy with sickness every day from 6 weeks still to do this day, I was diagnosed with hyperemesis and was admitted many a times to be on a drip. I’ve had non stop admissions for reduced movements and braxton Hicks and leaking fluid through our and am mentally exhausted. I suffered with post natal depression with my previous baby so am under a consultant. I had a 9lb baby last time and am on track to have another large baby so by 37 weeks baby will be of a good size. My question is, it’s been mentioned before but would i be able to ask to be induced at 37 weeks if baby is healthy and of good size? My worry is the longer this pregnancy goes on the worse my mental health is going to get. Any opinions welcome..... thanks