Could this really be it?


I found out in early October 2018 I was pregnant after not really trying but not actively using protection either. At my 13 week ultrasound they noticed the baby had a large nuchal fold which usually denotes chromosomal Or sometimes other developmental issues. It was a truly heartbreaking day and at 16 weeks we said goodbye to our baby in January 2019. Well my body just didn’t let go. It took me 12 weeks to get a negative blood test and then a few weeks after that to be cleared of no retained products of conception. We’ve been trying since February and I’ve had probably hundreds of negative tests. But today when my period didn’t come and I thought well screw it. Every test had been negative up until this afternoon. Not even a faint line.

Until this. Am I crazy? I’m terrified if nothing else. Reading and looking at hundreds of posts over the past 8+ months have gotten me through the worst times I could have imagined. If you’re lost, broken, sad or all of the above I wish you nothing but good vibes and love. I’m sure hoping this is my rainbow baby.