Leaving July 2020 group 💔


Didn’t think I would be making this post, I was so sure my bean was going to stick. This is my first pregnancy, and I just thought my experience might be useful for other first timers who aren’t sure what a miscarriage looks like.

TMI possible trigger warning PHOTO below.

I started having severe cramping 4 days ago, worse than normal period cramps. I called my MIL and asked how much cramping was normal, she said as long as there’s no blood I’m fine. Sure enough an hour later I go to the bathroom and there’s bright red blood. Not gushing out, only when I wiped. I called my doctor and they said to monitor it and to go to the er only if either my cramping gets worse or if the bleeding gets heavier. I spotted bright red steadily all night long, felt fine the next day with just a little spotting, and I had a doctors appt where they did an early ultrasound. I was measuring a week behind at 6w1d, and no heartbeat or clear view of the sac. She said I could still be fine, just earlier than we all thought. Then last night, the same intense cramps came again, with another wave of blood and this time there was what looked like a dark red blood clot. At that point I knew for sure that I lost the baby. Getting my levels checked tomorrow for confirmation just incase but it would be a miracle at that point. I just know in my gut I lost it. Picture of the clot in case it helps anyone

I’m actually at peace with everything. I’m definitely bummed, but I know there’s a reason this baby couldn’t go farther, whether it wasn’t developing correctly or some other reason I’ll never know. But I’m looking forward and still excited to meet my bean whenever he/she decides to come ❤️ I wish all of you luck with your July babies!! Hopefully my next one sticks! 😌 Until then I’m going to take a break from Glow, spend time with family and enjoy some much missed wine for thanksgiving