How my mind feels rn.

So i have to have a laugh out of this, if not id go crazy.

(Backstory: im currently 13 days late for aunt flo. Never been late especially this late! Taken countless pregnancy tests came back negative. Had blood test ran on Monday)

Sooo this is how my mind feels right now. I keep googling questions and hoping for a definite answer. Well ive come to realize that will never happen on goggle. Lol if you see an answer of yes youre pregnant, youll see another answer of no youre not "your cycle is off because reasons a,b and c." & Vice Versa second I'm for sure pregnant next second I am not.

I know googling never solves your problems but for a split second it makes you feel better. The waiting game is hard!!! My mind has not stopped. Hence this GIF.
