I'm so scared. *possible trigger* warning*

So last week at 6 weeks 3 days based on lmp, there was no heartbeat. Went back today at 7 weeks 4 days and still no heartbeat. Doctor keeps saying everything is good and it is still early but shouldn't I have heard a heart beat? I had blood work done at 5 weeks and HCG was 2897. Today it is 60732. I am not getting blood work again anytime soon so I am just hoping this number is a good sign. Another ultrasound next week. Although I feel like I know the outcome.

My husband is working late tonight. He won't be home until after midnight. All I want is for him to come home so I can cry. I'm crying now but I need his support. I want this baby. I can't think of what life is going to be like if I lose him/her. I know the baby is teeny tiny and I might seem like I am over exaggerating but I am in love already. I have two daughters. I love being pregnant. It is terrifying but a beautiful, wonderful experience.

First pic from last week. Bottom two from today