He called me fat by accident

I am very paranoid about my body, always have been. I am a size 14-16 (uk size) I never allow my boyfriend to see me naked but he tells me he loves my body as is.

At the weekend we were talking about Christmas presents and he mentioned getting sexy underwear, I agreed asking as it covered my tummy area.

He showed me a picture of underwear on a ‘plus size model’ she must of maybe been size 14 (Uk size) but toned and said what about this, she’s beefy but looks good on her. I questioned him about calling her beefy and he said well I mean similar to you. So I said you calling me beefy. A typical man digging himself into a hole.

I can’t stop thinking about that comment, 5 days later we have barely spoke. He is so apologetic and says he never meant it that way at all and I do believe him but I can’t get out of this mood.