Just pulled my first all nighter 😭😭

❤️ • 💍👧🏼👶🏻🌈💕

My sweet girl is 4 weeks old on Friday and for the most part she’s been a great sleeper. Well today has been god awful. I think she’s constipated because she pooped yesterday but not today and has just been so gassy. My husband went to bed around midnight and I finally got her down and came out to fold some laundry and wash bottles and since he has to work he came to get me when she was being fussy again. I made the decision after the second time she woke up fussy after 5 minutes to move her bassinet out in the living room to keep trying to put her down, and avoid waking up my husband again. After multiple bottles, diaper changes and rocking I think I might have finally got her down for good. Only took me 4 hours and now my back is killing me and I’m hungry. Honestly though I would rather starve than wake her up on accident. 😩😩😩