Has anyone else dealt with their SO being in an intense graduate program/career training?

My fiancé got recruited for a new career and they have a 9 month intense (paid) program they put all their recruits through before they test them and put them on the job. It’s what he wants to do and I’m really happy for him, but the workload is similar to the amount in a graduate program. He’s constantly either at work, studying, or doing homework. I’m really proud of him and he’s doing amazing, but we’re only 4.5 months in and we hardly have spent any quality time together. I see him every day, but he’s busy, and while he’s doing homework I’m cleaning the house/cooking/etc. but it’s hard rarely spending quality tome together.

We make the little moments count, like goofing around when he has a few minutes free, we eat dinner together almost every night (sometimes i work nights at one of my jobs), showering together, or watching a movie and cuddling together (though he usually falls asleep within 15 minutes). When he’s not working he’s usually exhausted and considering what he’s dealing with I completely understand.

I’m just wondering if any girls have been through similar situations and have any words of encouragement or tips to make missing them any easier!