If you dont come, you dont get a plate


Okay okay, sooo. My husbands family is slowly drifting further and further apart.l, and i think its partially because my husbands "generation" is starting to realize how shit their parents were, and how shit they still are.. we wont go deep into that tale, it would take too long.

Any ways, my husband and i had a conversation last night regarding thanksgiving coming up. I asked if his cousins gf was gonna leave the house and come with him for thanksgiving, and he said probably not but he would probably take her home a plate, and i instantly got furious.. like if you want to eat you should come..a little back story to that, his cousins gf literally refuses to leave the house unless its something SHE wants to do. If its his family, or a get together, or something fun he wants to do she says no and stays home and plays video games, so i feel if she doesnt come with him for the holiday no she doesnt deserve a plate 🤷‍♀️ and my husband said well just let him, its the holidays.

Now mind you my MIL and SOs cousin share a house.

This year my mother in law has chosen to not be a part of Thanksgiving at all, so that she can hide in her room with her drug addict boyfriend who literally everyone dislikes because hes a piece of hot garbage..

I made a point to say that if she doesnt come, which she was invited figuring maybe shed wanna be with family and see grandchildren, she does not get a plate, and i will text and tell her no, and explain why..

Also if we go back to my sons first birthday my sos aunt, who is more like his mother, promised shed be at that bday party, than sent thr same excuse that she always uses the day of as to why shes not coming "her back hurt", her back manages to hurt anytime theres something going on.. and she told her son to bring her a plate of food home

Okay so the finaly question! In instances like these do you believe in the rule, if you dont come you dont get a plate?

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