So ladies correct me if I’m wrong for just being annoyed

I don’t understand or know what my SO thinks I can do or why I’m capable of.

My SO goes to work 5 days a week and he basically goes to work to pay HIS bills and basically let’s me figure out MY bills and OUR bills

I take both kids in bed with me every night Sunday- Friday I have a ) year old in my bed and a 2 month other whom I’m up with in the middle of the night.

I work 2 days a week and if I don’t work those 2 day’s a week we don’t have a roof over our head or food or any bills paid I’m the bread winner in the family.

This morning I’m sleeping and it’s 4:00am and he has the nerve to ask me what coffee k-cups I just bought and which ones can he use. So I went nuts.

Im up with a baby all night then I get up at get another child ready and off to school and take care of a 2 month old all day long and I also work. He thinks that since I only work 2 day’s a week I can do it all. I’m so exhausted and you think he would take the baby for me so I could sleep one night but he “works”