Almost 5 Years Postpartum


I had my first son 2/5/15, he passed away 5/14/15. I never lost my post baby weight, I just gained more in my depression and grief.

Then I had my second son 7/14/16, after I was so consumed in my son I didn’t focus on myself.

Then I had my daughter 1/29/18 and after didn’t really dedicate myself to my health due to family stuff.

Then I had my final child 11/1/19. My whole pregnancy I walked, tracked my food, and exercised. I lost weight during my pregnancy and l had a healthy pregnancy.

I am 3.5 weeks postpartum and 40lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight.

I still have about 40lbs to lose to get to my pre babies weight, but the difference is I am putting my health first. Making time for me and my fitness goals. :)

Left is pre-pregnancy #4 and right is today after 4 babies.