Well, it’s a BOY! 💙

Jacquelyn • Wife 💍 👭 - Fur mom 😺😸😻 - 6 IUIs - 1 👼🏽 - moved to IVF August of 2019 💉 - expecting our 🌈👶🏽 May 18 2020 - Benjamin 5/16/20 👶🏽💙

Had a private ultrasound today and got to see the peanut! In the top one he is sucking his thumb 😍 and in the second one no doubt that he’s a boy! This is our first baby. What makes this bittersweet today is last year I had my d&c done on November 1st after we lost of first baby, & then the day before thanksgiving our cat was having surgery & legit almost died. Last thanksgiving was horrible, this year there’s so much to be grateful for! 💙