Insight needed


Back story: I had a early ectopic miscarriage end of March and before had cycles of 31-32 days like clockwork. But since two normal-ish cycles (July), I began having cycles of 35-39days. I decided to then start using evening primrose and Vitex/Concieve to help regulate.

The past two days have had minor cramps/backache along with slight dizzy/nausea(sight)/headache. I took my blood pressure and it was low at 98/82. I’m also getting over a cold and on day 23 and 24 I had taken NyQuil for my cough. Today I also went from dry to a creamy/cloudy/stretchy cm.

What do you think? I’d appreciate any opinions. I will be making a doctors appointment after my 2nd month of BBT testing for comparison.