Why oh why...

Kate ❤️ • Infertility warrior ❤️ 1 x baby boy 💙 Oct 21 Cycle - 24 TTC #2 Ivf cycle #8

We fell pregnant after a couple of months ttc and then went on to experience a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks 3 days. I’ll never forget that experience and the D&C and grieving that followed. I didn’t ovulate the D&C cycle but was excited when my period started 31st October that we could try again. AF was late this cycle and I got a faint positive last night. Fainter this morning then cramps and then some dark blood. So disheartening to think I’m going through a chemical after my recent miscarriage. Heading into our 7th month ttc. I’ve been told it’s a good sign that I can get pregnant but to be honest it’s painful going through these hurdles. Anyone had a miscarriage then a chemical then conceived successfully after that? I need some positive stories today.