Birth control


I literally don't know where to start with this.

So years ago I wanted to go on birth control because an ER doctor shamed me for having sex. I had a neighbor hear me and slut shamed me and it sent me over the deep end really fast and I went to the ER to keep myself from hurting myself. When I told him I only use condoms for contraception he said that I will probably still get pregnant so I should get birth control too but abstinence is the only way to not get pregnant.

After that I went to planned parenthood. I told them my history with migraines and we opted for the depo shot. Perfect, I had like zero side effects. However, when I went to my doctor later she explained to me that because I had gotten the gardasil vaccine and then gotten the depo shot they had put me at a higher risk of reproductive cancer.

I moved again, went to another doctor, got my first pap smear, visited the OB/GYN for the first time. New family doctor I visited when I experienced amenorrhea from stress and new diet, I eventually got it again naturally after I visited the OB/GYN for a second opinion. The OB/GYN took a look at my weight, my acne, and some of my baby chest hairs and diagnosed me with PCOS. I haven't gotten an ultrasound to confirm but we essentially then narrowed our choices down to the implant and the IUD.

I'm still not on birth control.

I'm now dating a guy who won't have sex with me until I am on birth control and have condoms on hand. I need to find a new doctor because I have moved yet again, I need birth control, and I need to get back on my antidepressants.

I just don't even know what to trust because there have just been so many conditions and so many opinions that I feel so lost.

I guess in short if any of you have had the same experience and are currently on birth control what kind do you prefer?