10 month old not sleeping


My 10 month old son never sleeps. He has stopped napping. I’m lucky if he takes a 30 minute nap in the whole day. He goes to sleep between 9-9:30pm. Then wakes up for about 2 hours in the middle of the night. He has a bottle then just crawls around his crib until he falls back asleep, then he’s up for the day by 8am. He’s only sleeping maybe 10 hours in a 24 hour period. All he does is cry when he is awake because he is always so tired but he fights sleep anytime I try to get him to sleep. I have tried everything. I’ve tried a quiet dark room. I’ve tried night lights and white noise. I’ve tried rocking him. I’ve tried just giving him a bottle and letting him in his crib while I sit outside the door. He will fall asleep for 30 seconds then wake right back up. I don’t know what to do. I’m so exhausted. I can never get anything done because he is always so grumpy. I need to find something to get him sleeping again. He is getting his top two teeth currently but this started even before they started to come through.