Trigger Warning















I went and had an elective ultrasound. Supposed to be 8 weeks. The tech said there was a baby - but didn't see a heartbeat, no yolk sac, there was a baby but was measuring a week behind the sac. I don't have a history of miscarriage. And had zero symptoms of miscarriage. I called my OB they didn't seemed concerned. I called back and asked for blood work to be done and they brought me in right away. I go back Monday for more to be done. I looked back at my notes from my visit and my doctor said my uterus wasn't measuring where it should be but never actually said that to me. I'm freakin scared. And of course we had a family member announce she was pregnant. I had to leave the house when I heard. I had wanted to wait till tell my mom what was going on but I had to tell her.