Surprise! Baby # 3 on the way


The shock is finally disappearing. We have 2 babes. A 3.5 year old boy and a almost 16m girl. We had not been trying at all not even thinking about it. We had sex November 9. I had a metallic taste in my mouth about 5-6 days later and was having back pain and cramps so I tested.

There was a VERY faint line but it almost seemed as if it was an evap line so I called the dr and they did a blood test. Blood test was negative but my progesterone was 8.9 so they said I’m most likely ovulating. So I just assumed I was and waited on my period. The blood test was November 16. My last period was October 18. Well, almost 3 weeks later and I hadn’t had my period. About 5 days after the negative blood test I had brown and pink spotting and cramping and said to my hubby “not pregnant for sure”. Put a tampon in but it wasn’t necessary at all. Took it out a little later to see a tiny bit of pink and that was that. Didn’t really think anything of it. Well... the day before Thanksgiving I was out working (I do door dash to get extra $ for bills and spending) and just had been thinking all day that I’d never missed a period accept for after birth and breastfeeding but it always came back and was there every month. So in between orders, I went into Walgreens, grabbed a test (bought it) & took it in the bathroom at the store. Stuffed the test in my pocket as I walked out of the store, stepped outside and sure enough... the most positive pregnancy test I’ve ever seen! I was soooo shocked I had to stop working and go home and tell my hubby. Needless to say... this baby is unexpected but so loved. It took us a year and clomid for number 2 so we were expecting that with number 3 as well!

This was not even a minute after I took it! It got soooo dark, the test line was wayyyy darker than the control. I’m already 6 weeks 2 days, due based on LMP July 23. My husbands birthday. Based on conception, August 1... my dads birthday. My daughter turns 2 August 7! Side note... go by LMP it conception?