I Want To Have A BF or GF

I know this probably sounds awful but I really want to have a BF or GF and I’m not sure why.

I’ve never had a bf or gf before and lately for some weird ass reason, I want to date someone.

It’s not like I have many friends that date either so it isn’t like I see my friends together with their S/O’s and am jealous or anything. Heck! I don’t even watch romcoms or any other show really that has heavy romance in it!

I’m in my late teens as well so I feel weird saying I want to date someone too especially because I’m getting ready to go to college and it probably wouldn’t be a good time to go and find someone to have a relationship with.

I also don’t have much confidence in myself and don’t think anyone would even like me anyways.

I’m super short, awkward as hell around everyone(especially someone I like or find attractive) shy, I have body image issues, get nervous easily or have anxiety and I ramble on when I shouldn’t(and the list continues to go on). I don’t see much of anything about me that would be attractive to someone, so I don’t know why I want to date I guess?