Baby Wren is here!


10 days overdue, came in at 9pm with irregular contractions- was about to be sent home but swab showed my waters had broken.

Got into the room and on a ball by 11pm to be induced due to being positive for group b strep.

Contractions got more intense and I asked for the epidural- was told I was 3cm so I could have one.

The anaesthetist was in surgery until 2 and when she came into the room she prepped etc and as I sat up to have the epidural I felt baby’s head and said I need to push. Baby Wren was born at 2:45am with 2 pushes- no pain relief apart from gas and air and paracetamol 🤘🏻

3.1kg (6lbs 8oz)

My smallest yet compared to my first 4.3kg!!!