Need advice


So I started getting horrible back contractions around 9 last night. They progressively got worse until around 2 when I woke up my husband and said let’s go get checked out. I get to labor and delivery to be told basically that my cervix is closed and these are either false contractions or just super early labor contractions (and also that since I am a FTM, my pain tolerance is probably not high so I think these are a big deal.... thanks midwife 👌🏻). So I am told to go home and drink water and come back when I have more signs of labor.

Well since I have been home, which is about 5 hours now, the contractions have not calmed down. I have tried to drink water and rest and use a heating pad and everything they told me, but nothing is helping. I have tried moving around, laying in different positions, the couch, the bed, etc. Now I am getting to the point where I can’t go pee, because I am having contractions that just hurt to go sit on the toilet, and they are getting to me to the point where I drink water, then throw it up. I am also sitting here shaking like I am sitting in the Arctic.

So what do I do? Do I go back to labor and delivery? Are they even gonna take me seriously? By the way, I am 39+2.