Trying to get pregnant, I need help


My partner and I are trying to conceive. I had intercourse on the 7th of November but I was so scared because of some personal things that I ended up taking an emergency contraceptive. My fiancé and I talked and said well we have this and this and I think you’re ready you’re just scared... so we had intercourse again Quite a few time after that.

It’s been almost 4 weeks and still no sign of a positive tests. I’ve took quite a few over the past 2 weeks. Some woman have said to try a blood test because they pick up more stuff that way and some have said that it’s possible I can’t pick up if I’m pregnant or not through a urine test

I’m not sure what to do? Do I wait longer or take a blood test. I’ve been having symptoms of pregnancy, but I don’t know for sure.

My breasts definitely hurt (if I had to rate the pain from 1-10 it would be a solid 8) and I’ve been having some bloating, swollen ankles and some pain in the uterus.