Baby girl is 2 days shy of being 4 weeks BRAND NEW!


It hasn't been easy. Not in the least bit. I'm a SAHM to my 3 children 4, almost 2, and my newborn. Between getting my housework done, taking care of the kids, cooking, and cluster feeding...its been hard. I'm up all day with small naps at night. I try to use my time wisely and have individual bo ding time with each child every day but thats easier said than done.

I feel like the most unattractive woman on the planet. By the time my husband returns home from work everyday im covered in sweat, spit up, and questionable stickiness that I have no idea where it came from. My hair is a mess. I feel like Lanette from Desperate housewives. Struggle bussing 24/7.

But, it's worth it. I never thought in a million years I would be 24 years old with three children. But this morning i feel good. I feel like im doing ok. I may not be that super mom who can do everything and still have all the energy to get pretty and throw dinner parties. But we live in the real world. It's okay to not have everything together. For now, I'll enjoy the small accomplishments.