I had my baby a week ago already (birth stories)


I went in on my due date (November 21st, 2019) the first thing they did was hook me and baby up on the monitor at 8-30 they checked my cervix i was at 2 cm dialated still 50% effaced and at -3 station i waited an hour while the doctors spoke to my nurse about what the plan was they said since my cervix is favorable they will go straight to potocin. At 9-30 am they started potocin i had gotten there already with mild contractions didn’t real feel painful i just felt tightning once they started potocin i still felt the tightening no pain whatsoever. The contractions were tolerable at 11-09 they up the potocin still no pain at 1-49 they checked my cervix i was already at 4 cm still -3 station and at 50% effaced. At 4-17 i got checked again i was at 5-6 cm still -3 station and 70% effaced. At 6-55pm i was still at 5-6 cm nothing had changed just my nurse they told me they can let me keep doing potocin or break my water to speed things up I didn’t want to but she made a good point i can stay on potocin in pain by that time with no change or she can break my water to make baby go down the cervix since she isn’t going down so at 7-00 they broke my water and that’s when shit got real the contractions were painful i was in so much pain babygirls heart was starting to drop every time i got a contraction nurse came in and put a peanut ball in between my legs so I won’t squeeze baby. I got in the jaccuzzi i could not handle the pain still no epidural while in the jaccuzi i felt pressure like i had to push got out got checked i was at 6 and babies head was all the way down she said the cervix is so soft it stretched i dealt with the pain longer until I couldn’t they gave me laughing gas and it wasn’t doing much sometimes i was starting to get anxiety from the pain like I didn’t know where to run or like the pain was so intolerable I didn’t know what to do with myself i then said I needed the epidural i couldn’t handle it at 9-10 i got an epidural the whole time i was in agony i had my mom stay i felt pressure like no other i needed to push I could barely stay still my mom started to faint while all this started happening i told the nurse and a team of nurses came to attend her finally the epidural was in i had to lay down and wait while they pushed the medicine in i still felt the pressure the nurse checked i was at 7 cm in 6-7 minutes i was fully dialated and ready to push i pushed 3 times and baby was out.