22 weeks and hating that he’s deployed now


Finally look pregnant this week at 22 weeks with Mr. Daxson! I can’t wait to meet our baby boy although it’s been a rough and difficult pregnancy.

Daddy is deployed which is definitely taking its toll and I miss him like crazy everyday. It destroys me with the fact that everyone will get to see and meet him before his daddy does. But that’s military life. It’s difficult but I wouldn’t trade it for the world because he’s truly an amazing man.

I’m over half way with my technical due date but that’s only if we make it to that. I have placenta previa and a marginal cord insertion into the placenta which for us has caused a few er trips. Which is hard when I only want my man by my side. Most days we don’t talk because he’s in the field a lot because of what he does. I feel like that’s when everything has a tendency to go wrong or a complication pops up.

These next few months I pray fly by but they will probably drag on with my man not being here. I just keep reminding myself everyday is one day closer to Dax being here and his daddy being home.