Can’t decide if I’m in early labor or not?

Kara • Mama to Callie Brooke and Jaxon Christopher💗💙

I woke up at 4 am and was having contractions about every 5-6 mins. They didn’t feel great but they weren’t unbearable. (I had been having painless contractions the night before that were coming about every 10 mins)Since the contractions started this morning I have...TMI...pooped loose stools 3 times. The contractions slowed down for a bit but have picked back up to about every 6-8 mins. This is my 2nd baby and with my 1st I absolutely knew when I was in labor because the pain was pretty intense.

I guess I’m just sort of in a waiting game to see if the intensity picks up. I just feel so bad we called my mom to come and watch our toddler because I thought it was the real deal. I wouldn’t keep having contractions if I just had to poop right? Lol 😂😂😂 oh and I am 38+3 days and at my last appointment I was dilated 1 cm and I have been losing bits and pieces of my mucus plug this past week but no bloody show! Gah the joys of nearing the end of pregnancy!