Some better pics y’all!!

Elisa • Married 2ectopics, 1 ovary. First FET 2/13/19-BFN Second FET 4/3/19-BFP Boy/Girl Twins

I’m so in love, we were able to go home on Thanksgiving day and the family met us there with some good food. I’m so very grateful. Tomorrow makes a week and me and my husband are working together to get them on a routine. Right now it seems they are awake more at night and sleep all day. On day 5 my boobs started to get really big and today for my first pump I was able to pump a total of two oz and feed my son. I was so happy. C-section recovery is pretty brutal. I didn’t get the horrible gas pains promised to me because in the hospital I tried to eat soups, drink hot tea and even hot cocoa and I think it helped tremendously. Please make sure you have help at home if you are having a C-section because you will be really limited and it can be really discouraging for A FTM not able to help when baby cries. I’m here if you ladies have any additional questions. Here are my favorite hospital pics of my babies