Sadly announcing another miscarriage


So this one is especially hard for me to post about, but to the mothers who were deeply worried about me this ones for you.

I never thought of having infertility at 21. That just isn’t something I thought would affect me. I’ve already have one miscarriage but to have another.. is heartbreaking.

It was 630 in the morning, when I had to pee. I always had to be, already being pregnant and what not. I was still testing crazy cause I was worried, and some tests were positive some negative.

I saw a little bit a blood (spotting like) when I peed, thought nothing of it has I had no pain and no blood clots. I put a pad on and went back to sleep not worried.

I finally awoke at 10am, the urge of feeling sick almost as if I was going to pass out. I passed a blood clot when I peed next. So, I headed to the hospital.

This is when I did a urine sample, a pelvic exam, ovary check and a bunch of others.

They said I was having a complete miscarriage. I had a cyst on my right ovary. I was crushed. Because having two miscarriages back to back sucked.

I’m so sad and frustrated, but at the end of the day this is GODS WILL. He will guide me towards the right path and settle things straight for me.

I am currently on pelvic test for 7-10 days and I am told to take it easy and not lift anything heavy. I hope you mothers have a wonderful pregnancy and healthy babies. When it is my turn and it will be again, I will be happy to update you guys.

Much love,
